When he told his colleagues about his idea, they told him he was dreaming. They said nobody would ever use it because disposable was too convenient. Proving them wrong became Ben’s number one goal for the next three years. He knew that if he could create something that looked beautiful and desirable, that created a better drinking experience for the consumer, that would save cafes money and that could be popped in a bag and washed once at home — he knew people would choose it over a disposable cup.
His design was steeped in research, meticulously refined and in the end, multi-award-winning. Our iconic reusable cups and bottles are now sold around the world and are beloved by millions. And Ben’s obsession to stop the use and manufacture of all single-use plastic products has only grown.
Today, frank green exists to create sustainable solutions to the single-use plastic problem. We make beautifully designed and innovative products that people love to use, over and over and over again.
Because all kids deserve to feel like huckleberry finn. By using frank green products, we will create a future where they can.