FarmHouse Fresh Dog Bed Fairy Book Is it True They Call You the Dog Bed Fairy? Farmhouse Fresh Book

FarmHouse Fresh

Regular price $10.00

Become a Certified FHF Dog Bed Fairy when you purchase this book!

What do each of the dogs in the shelter say when given their very own dog bed? This funny, endearing, hard-cover picture book captures their thoughts in a furry tale that will touch your heart, while providing dog beds to shelters across the U.S. We donate $7 of each book purchase to buy beautiful, durable, washable dog beds. The average dog has 70 seconds to make a connection with a forever family walking through a shelter. A comfortable bed helps the dogs stay calm and feel less afraid, so a loving family will bring them home.

Shelters, rescues, and non-profits are selected, and asked to fill out a wish list. We pool the proceeds of your book purchases to fulfill their requests, so that one by one, each shelter we approach is completely outfitted, and dogs get the comfort they need.